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What We Do

Cared for and altered more than 48,000 cats over 33 years.

Holding up to three weekly spay & neuter clinics for unowned cats is key to helping us realize our vision of living in a county with significant drops in the unowned cat population which ultimately prevent health issues, euthanasia, animal abuse and neglect before any can ever occur.


Feline and responsible party reside in Sonoma County 
Unowned Cats

Unowned Community Cats

Unowned Free Roaming Cats


$50 per cat brought to us

The requested donation for this service is $50.00 per cat which you have trapped and brought to us. We are happy to loan you a trap if you need it and will give you instructions on how to operate it.

  • Alteration: spay (females) or neuter (males)

  • Basic Wellness Check

  • Microchipping

  • Vaccinations

  • Parasite Control –for fleas, tapeworms, ear mites as deemed necessary

  • Ear Tipping (optional)

Low Cost Alterations
for Pet Cats

Financial support provided by county service providers

There are low cost alteration options for TAME felines available to residents of Sonoma County. 

The Love Me, Fix Me (LMFM) Voucher Program is a low-cost, County-provided spay/neuter voucher for qualifying low-income tame pet owners in Santa Rosa and Unincorporated Sonoma County. 

> Rohnert Park Animal Shelter provides free monthly spay/neuter clinics for TAME cats for low-income residents in Rohnert Park and Cotati. 

> Petaluma PETpals offer a Spay/Neuter Voucher Discount Coupon redeemable at participating veterinarians. Appointments are required. 

> Humane Society of Sonoma County has a donor subsidized Low Cost Spay & Neuter Program. Call 707-284-FIXX (3499) or email for appt. 

Download a PDF list of all low cost tame feline alteration programs.

Instructions for Clinic

Prior appointments are required. 

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Call our office (707) 576-7999 Monday-Friday from 9am-5pm or 

complete our online appointment form. We cannot accommodate walk-ins unfortunately.


Provide the following information:

> Date of the clinic you plan to attend

> How many cats or kittens* you’ll try to trap 

> Any special circumstances surrounding of the health of the feline (open lacerations/wounds, eye issues, etc.)

*to alter a kitten: weight requirements for females is a minimum of 2.5 pounds; males a minimum of 2.0 pounds.

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On the day/night before your clinic appointment, tell us how many cats you actually have in traps and are bringing in. This will confirm your reservation.Our office is open Mon-Fri from 9am-5pm. We are closed on the weekend so please leave a message- we will receive it. 

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All cats must arrive in a humane trap (no carriers, boxes, or cages unless told otherwise), one cat per trap. This is for your safety, the safety of our staff and volunteers and the cat’s safety.

Forgotten Felines of Sonoma County
1820 Empire Industrial Court, Suite E
Santa Rosa, CA 95403
(707) 576-7999

Monday-Friday 9am-5pm


Pick of the Litter Thrift & Gift
1701 Piner Rd. # A, Santa Rosa, CA 95403
(707) 570-2590

Monday-Saturday 10am-6pm

Sunday 11am-4pm

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©2030 Forgotten Felines of Sonoma County  501(c)(3) Nonprofit  Tax ID #68-0228734

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