When You Believe
Anything is Possible
When you believe,
anything is possible
We have spayed and neutered, provided vital medical services, and given second and third chances for more than 48,000 cats through our foster, adoption, and relocation programs. All for cats that would otherwise slip under the radar, be neglected or simply be forgotten. And we believe it’s possible to do more.
Our goal of spaying every unowned cat in Sonoma County may be lofty, but we believe in a county where every cat has a chance to thrive, isn’t competing for resources, is not seen as a nuisance, and has the best possible chance for a contented life.
We have created an innovative, first-of-its-kind spay-neuter program that uses predictive modeling, data capture, and analysis. Along with the blood, sweat, and tears of a dedicated staff and volunteer force, we are significantly slowing the rate of cats born in the wild and our communities. We will continue innovating and implementing until the day we live in a county where there are no more homeless cats.