Barn and Garden Cats
What are relocation cats
Barn and gardens cats
Forgotten Felines of Sonoma County practices a method of humanely curbing cat overpopulation called Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) where cats are altered, vaccinated, given medical attention, microchipped, ear tipped for visual identification and returned to where they live. But sometimes where they live is not a safe place for a variety of reasons.
It could be a dangerous living situation, habitat being destroyed by construction, or a caretaker has moved or passed away. When these situations occur, we try to relocate these felines to properties as barn or garden cats where they can work, be cared for, looked out for, and lead happier, healthy lives.
We are looking for people to adopt these displaced cats that are best suited for a rural or garden setting. If you are interested in adopting a barn or garden cat for your property, please complete an Barn & Garden Cat Application. Once received and reviewed. one of our relocation staff members will schedule a site visit with you as part of the application process.
NOTE: It is always our first choice to return cats to where they were trapped. This is the territory they are familiar with, where they know all the good hunting and hiding places, and where they feel safe. We only consider relocation if a cat is in life threatening danger. *We are NOT a rehoming service for surrendered family/pet cats. If you need to rehome your pet feline, please visit our Animal Services listing on our Resources page.*

Where are our cats relocated to?
Anywhere that “Green Pest Control” is valued and and there are people to care for the cats daily.
Rural Residences
Urban Gardens
City Backyards
Bed & Breakfast
Farms & Ranches

Relocation assimilation process
Once a new home is found, the cats are set-up in a large habitat to live for three (3) weeks so they can acclimate to the 3 S’s: Sights, Sounds, Smells.
The confinement allows the cats to adjust to their new environment. Whether it be horses, machinery, farm workers, or barking dogs, the cats need to be slowly desensitized to all the busyness for a better chance of a successful relocation.

After the cats are released
After the cats' release, their instincts kick in and they know this is the place where they will find food, water, shelter, and warmth. But your involvement does not stop here. You must be an active caretaker and provide food, water, and shelter daily. Connect with the cats; encourage them to swish around your feet, or give a simple verbal greeting when you see them. Reinforce they have a trusted caretaker.
Relocation Updates
We love getting updates from our barn and garden cat adopters. If you have adopted barn or garden cats from us and would like to share your updates, please email our Adoption Relocation team at wcbc@forgottenfelines.com

Welcome home Samson and Delilah.
Samson and Delilah were wild teenage cats who did not tame down in our Foster Program so they entered our Wine Country Barn Cat Program.
We found them a perfect barn home where there were no expectations of them becoming friends with humans, but they could live out their lives as the cats they wanted to be.